Kvikmyndin “A Tree is like a Man / En la maloca de Don William” eftir Þorbjörgu Jónsdóttur verður forsýnd í Mengi þann 25. nóvember næstkomandi. Í tilefni forsýningarinnar verður gefin út 10” vínilplata í takmörkuðu upplagi. Á plötunni er að finna tónlist myndarinnar sem samin er af kanadíska tónskáldinu Kerry Leimer. Eftir sýninguna gefst gestum tækifæri á að hlusta á plötuna og kaupa eintak.
Juan Camilo kynnir og leiðir stutt spjall að sýningunni lokinni.
Húsið opnar kl. 20:30, sýningin hefst kl 21:00
2000 kr. aðgangseyrir
Stikla: https://vimeo.com/287399598
Þorbjörg Jónsdóttir er myndlistarmaður og kvikmyndagerðarmaður sem vinnur jöfnum höndum með 16mm filmu og vídeó, bæði sem innsetningar, stuttmyndir og tilraunakenndar heimildarmyndir. Árið 2000 var hún á ferðalagi um Kólumbíu og kynntist shamaninum Don William. Þessi kynni leiddu til áralangs samstarfs og vináttu sem meðal annars hefur getið af sér kvikmyndina "A Tree is Like a Man/En la maloca de Don William". Kvikmyndin fjallar um plöntulyfið Ayahuasca, landslag frumskógarins og andaheim fólksins sem þar býr.
Kerry Leimer er kanadískt tónskáld, uppalinn í Bandaríkjunum. Hann hefur unnið með mínímalískar raftónsmíðar síðan snemma á áttunda áratugnum, en hann samdi meðal annars tónlistina við kvikmyndina “Land of Look Behind” eftir Alan Greenberg. Kerry Leimer hefur gefið út ótal plötur hjá útgáfunni Palace of Lights.
Special pre-screening of Thorbjorg Jonsdottir's film "A Tree is Like a Man / En la maloca de Don William" and a release party of a limited edition 10 inch vinyl with the score from the film by Kerry Leimer. The evening is hosted by Juan Camilo.
"A tree is like a man - En la maloca de Don William" is an attempt to touch the otherworld through its edges. Filmmaker Thorbjorg Jonsdottir met Ayahuasquero Don William back in the
year 2000 by chance while traveling in the Columbian Amazon. This encounter lead to a collaboration that developed over a decade between the filmmaker and the shaman. Shot on 16mm, the film serves as personal witness to Don William's lifetime relationship to Ayahuasca and other plant medicines that are native to the jungle. With the rainforest a rich labyrinthine background, this portrait is at once intimate and spare, opening up to alternate realities as dense as the jungle itself, with kaleidoscopic multiplicities in both the natural and the spiritual realms.
Doors open at 20:30, screening at 21:00
Admission 2.000 kr.
Thorbjorg Jonsdottir is a visual artist and experimental filmmaker from Iceland. Thorbjorg works primarily in 16mm film, video installation and collage. Her work often deals with the uncanny and the preternatural, as well as examinations of landscapes and their relationship to place.
Kerry Leimer is a Canadian born composer living in the United States. He has released avant-garde and ambient music under his own name as well as leading the group Savant. At an early age he began experimenting with machine-driven, tape-manipulated music made by the likes of Neu!, Cluster and and Brian Eno. Active since the mid-70s, Kerry’s instrumental, minimalist pop recordings pre-date Eno’s Music for Airports by three years. His more recent catalogue of work is largely tonal, textured and using prepared piano, guitars and synthesizers. Leimer wrote the iconic score to Alan Greenberg's film “Land of Look Behind” and has published multiple record with the label Palace of Lights.
Trailer: https://vimeo.com/287399598