Katie Buckley & Mary Lattimore
Mary Lattimore og Katie Buckley kynntust fyrst árið 1998 þegar þær voru í námi við Eastman tónlistarháskólann í New York. Þrátt fyrir að tónlistarferlar þeirra hafa verið nokkuð frábrugðnir þá liggja leiðir þeirra ítrekað saman hér á Íslandi. Það er því loksins kominn tími á að þær haldi hér sameiginlega tónleika þar sem koma við sögu tvær hörpur, nokkrir pedalar og dásemdar hljóð.
Katie Buckley hóf hörpunám þegar hún var 8 ára í borginni Atlanta og hélt náminu áfram í San Fransico undir leiðsögn Ann Adams. Katie lauk B.A. og M.A. gráðu við Eastman háskólann. Hún er einn af stofnendum listahópsins Duo Harpverk. Hún hefur tekið upp mikið með plötufyrirtækinu Bedroom Community og komið við á plötum hjá mörgum tónlistarmönnum á mismunandi sviðum. Katie spilaði einnig inn á nýjustu plötu Bjarkar 'Utopia' og fór á tónleikarferðalag með henni síðasta sumar.
Hörpuleikarinn Marie Lattimore býr í Los Angeles. Fyrsta plata hennar, The Withdrawing Room, kom út árið 2013 hjá plötufyrirtækinu Desire Path Recordings. Mary hefur einnig spilað og tekið upp með listamönnum á borð við Meg Baird, Thurston Moore, Sharon Van Etten, Jarvis Cocker, Kurt Vile, Steve Gunn, Ed Askew og Fursaxa.
Húsið opnar 20:30 - Tónleikarnir byrja 21.00 - Miðaverð 2.000 kr
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Mary Lattimore and Katie Buckley, harpist met back in 1998 at the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, NY. Although they have taken different paths in their musical lives since leaving Eastman in 2002, their paths keep crossing here in Iceland. So, finally, its time for a special concert with Mary, Katie, two harps, some effects pedals, and a lot of wonderful sounds.
Katie Buckley began studying harp at the age of 8 in Atlanta, Georgia and continued her studies in San Francisco with former San Francisco Symphony and Opera harpist Ann Adams. Katie received her Bachelor of Music degree and Master of Music degree as well as a Performer's Certificate at Eastman School of Music with Kathleen Bride. In 2006, she became principal harpist with the Iceland Symphony Orchestra. Katie is a founding member of the ensemble Duo Harpverk. She has recorded extensively on the Bedroom Community label as well as with many Icelandic artists in all genres. Katie can also be heard on the Björk album ‘Utopia’ and toured with Björk the past summer.
Mary Lattimore is a harpist living in Los Angeles. She experiments with her Lyon and Healy Concert Grand harp and effects. Her solo debut, The Withdrawing Room, was released in 2013 on Desire Path Recordings. Mary also writes harp parts for songs and recordings, performing and recording with such great artists as Meg Baird, Thurston Moore, Sharon Van Etten, Jarvis Cocker, Kurt Vile, Steve Gunn, Ed Askew and Fursaxa.
Her 2014 record Slant of Light with guitarist/synth player/producer Jeff Zeigler was released by Thrill Jockey, which was followed by the two collaborating on a track for Ghostly Swim 2. Mary and Jeff also composed a score to Philippe Garrels 1968 experimental silent film Le Revelateur, and debuted it in Marfa, Texas along with the film. They have since performed it Chicago, Philadelphia, and early 2015 in Los Angeles. Her debut solo record for Ghostly, At The Dam, was released in March 2016, followed by a 2017 cassette of compiled songs titled Collected Pieces.
Doors 20:30 - Show Starts 21:00 - Tickets 2000kr