Last nights palais
Þorláksmessudagskrá Mengis.
Tónlist, performansar og glue-wein.
Kostar ekkert inn.
Gráa Slæðan er svefngalsi myndlistarmansins Fritz Hendrik IV.
Gráa Slæðan mun stíga á stokk í Mengi klæddur sínu fínasta silki og flytja nokkur lög um það að sofa.
Uppistand Lóu
með Lóu Björk Björnsdóttur
Uppistand þar sem haturlaust grín með kærleiksboðskap.
Uppistandið er þekkt fyrir að vekja von í brjósti manna. Lífið er of stutt fyrir hatur? Lóa hefur rannsakað grín seinustu 12 árin og miðlar því sem hún hefur komist að í þessu glænýja uppistandi, ásamt því að gefa einum heppnum gesti jólaglaðning með fallegum boðskap.
Archaic Insecurity: "Better Living! A Better You!"
eftir Rúnar Örn Marinósson
flutt af Hrefnu Hörn Leifsdóttur, Selmu Reynisdóttur
& Söruh Rosengarten
Dj. still waiting for a wedding invitation
spilar pop frammeftir
An evening of music and non- music performances.
Free of charge
The Grey Veil is Fritz Hendrik IV's dream.
The Grey Veil will appear in Mengi dressed in his fines silk and perform a few songs on sleeping.
Standup with Lóa Björk Björnsdóttir
Stand Up (in icelandic) with an emphasis on hateless jokes and messages of love. This Stand Up is known to fill people with hope. Life is too short for hate? Lóa has reserched comedy for the last 12 years and in this Brand New Stand Up she communicates what she has found out AND gives one lucky audience member a Christmas gift!
Archaic Insecurity: "Better Living! A Better You!"
by Rúnar Örn Marinósson
The loving union of Universe 3 has shattered. By means of survival, Universe 3 has transformed into my grandmothers broken flower vase, filled with artificial flora, held together by a string my grandfather tied around it years ago.
This event has led to archaic insecurity within the sole survivor of the shattering.
Desperate and unable to find solutions on his own, he has recruited a personal trainer, a being known only as Grabbers, renowned for his highly successful transformation program:
Better living! A Better You!
Spapop performed by Hrefna Hörn Leifsdóttir,
Sarah Rosengarten & Selma Reynisdóttir
p.1 you’ll make it up: we think you
mixed with
p.2 hunting for collars - objects of desire
Spapop is music made from a consistently up-to-date construction kit. It is produced by mixing snippets of highly popular songs as well as nature recordings and their artificial copies. Billboard chart hits are being altered and re-collaged whereby the reference to the “original” is kept audible through voice, melody or lyrics.
Excert from the spapop definition
Dj. still waiting for a wedding invitation
plays the pop