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Tónlist Thembi Soddell, ástralskrar listakonu, verður flutt í algeru myrkri í Mengi laugardaginn 3. mars klukkan 21. Miðaverð er 2.000 krónur.
Thembi hannar hljóðmynd tónleika sinna út frá hverju rými fyrir sig og leitast við að fanga algjöra athygli hlustenda með því að spila í myrku rými.
Hlustandinn gleypir í sig umhverfishljóðin með ákafri hlustun og verður fyrir áþreifanlegum áhrifum tónlistarinnar sem mætti lýsa sem djúpsævislegri, krefjandi, janfvel ögrandi en skilar sér aftur heim í mjúkari og bothættari hljóð.
Nýjasta verk hennar, Love Songs, sem hún ferðast nú með um heiminn hefur vakið athygli og verður gefið út af plötufyrirtækinu Room40 í apríl næstkomandi. Thembi kemur til með að flytja efni af plötunni í Mengi á laugardaginn.
Húsið opnar kl. 20:30 - Miðaverð er 2.000 krónur.
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The music of Australian artist Thembi Soddell resides in a zone of unrelenting darkness and physical affect.
Working at the nexus of raw emotion, sound design and musique concréte, she creates sound worlds that are effortlessly dense and abyss-like. In her performances, she explores sonic environments which swallow the audience. By utilising intense sound pressure and varying dynamics she creates profoundly unsettling, but fulfilling, experiences for her audiences.
Love Songs, her latest work, is easily the clearest articulation of her methodologies. A work of extreme dynamics and intensities, the record is one of the most fierce sonic expressions to be delivered from an Australian artist in recent years. She will presenting this work in concert at Mengi.
Thembi Soddell (b. Australia 1980) is a sound artist and electroacoustic composer with an interest in psychology, perception, subjectivity and affect in relation to intense encounters with sound. Her distinct approach to composition exploits dynamic extremes, creating volatile, evocative sound experiences with a disquieting edge. She creates works for recording, installation and performance — including two solo CD releases (with her third, Love Songs, out in April 2018 through ROOM40), presentations at Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and City Gallery Wellington, and two European tours in a duo with cellist Anthea Caddy. Since 2010 she has been engaged in practice-based research at RMIT University, focusing on the articulation of firsthand experiences of mental illness, trauma and psychological distress using sound art practice. She also works as sound designer and dramaturg for theatre and dance and has guest curated for the National Gallery of Victoria. Her work has been described as “extremely accomplished” (Diffusion) and inducing of "psychological terror" (Real Time Arts). Soddell lives in rural Victorian town, Clunes.
Doors at 20:30 - Tickets: 2.000 krónur.