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Nordic Music Arts & Crafts vol. 2

  • MENGI 2 Óðinsgata Reykjavík, 101 Iceland (map)

Markmiðið með verkefninu er að mynda tengslanet milli Norðurlanda og fólks sem smíðar mismunandi hljóðfæri, ásamt fólki í iðngreinum, tækni og sjálfbærni í hönnun. Þróa nýtt samstarf milli hljóðlistagreina, tónlistar, gagnvirkrar hljóðmyndar og fleira.

Ofar öllu að búa til sameiginlegan viskubrunn, þróa hugmyndir og veita samstarfstækifæri fyrir alla þáttakendur. Kynning á því hvernig allir geta búið til hljóðfæri og spilað á þau.

Sérstakir gestir ráðstefnunnar eru Yuri Landman, hollenskur hljóðfærasmiður, hönnuður og tónlistarmaður sem hefur hannað fjöldan allan af strengjahljóðfærum sem eru í ætt við rafgítarinn. Listamenn sem nota þessi hljóðæri eru m.a. Lee Ronaldo (Sonic Youth), Jad Fair (Half Japanese), Liam Finn, Laura-Mary Carter ofl.

Gary Naylor (Scrubber Fox), raftónlistarmaður sem stundar einnig beygingu rafrása (circuit bending) og hljóðmyndlist. Hann kannar takta, ‘glitch’, ‘acid’ og electronica og einnig gagnvirka myndvinnslu og innsetningar. Hann notar heimasmíðaðar aðferðir til að breyta rafrásum. Scrubberfox tekur gömul og úrelt rafræn hljóðfæri eins og gamlar leikjatölvur (Megadrives, NES, Atari 2600, Gameboy) og breytir þeim í AV vélar. Vélbúnaðurinn er síðan notaður sem “hljóðfæri” fyrir avant-garde tónlist og vídeó sköpun.

Sunnudagur 25. mars
12.00-12.30 Kynning
12.30-14.30 Vinnustofa með Gary Naylor
14.30-15.00 Kaffihlé með lifandi tónlist ”Ekkoflok” DK
15.00-16.30 Vinnustofa 2: Iðn Maria Siska og Lene Zachariassen
16.30-17.30 Tengslanetmyndun. Hittu fólk sem vinnur með önnur listform.
17.30-18.00 ”Hvað næst?” : Framtíð NMAC tengslanetsins.

Alþjóðlegir gestir:
Yuri Landman(NL): fyrirlestur í hljóðfærasmíði/uppfinningum
Gary Naylor(UK): vinnustofa í hljóðgervlasmíði
Íslensk hönnun og handverk: Maria Siska og Lene Zachariassen

Frítt er á fyrirlestrana og vinnustofurnar báða dagana.

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

Sunday 25
12.00-12.30 Welcome
12.30-14.30 Workshop 1 Geri Naylor
14.30-15.00 Coffee break with performance of ”Ekkoflok” DK
15.00-16.30 Workshop 2 Craft Maria Siska
and Lene Zachariassen
16.30-17.30 Networking. Meeting people from other artforms.
17.30-18.00 ”What’s next?” : The future of the NMAC network.

Nordic music arts and crafts is a nordic network that has arranged meetings in Sweden, Denmark and Iceland. 
Each meeting consists of workshops and networking.

The network is about collaboration between people that work with music - sound, crafts and design, with a focus on sustainability. 
We want to bring the design and form perspective into music instrument building.
The goal of this project is to create a longterm network between the nordic countries, and connect interesting and inspiring people that create different musical instruments, as well as people in crafts, innovation, tech and sustainability, with eachother.

We hope to develope new collaborations around soundart, music, interactive soundsculptures etc.
Above all it can generate more collected knowledge, ideas and collaborations for all of the participants.
The project creates understanding that anyone can build musical instruments and play them. The only thing you need is knowledge.

Special guests of the conference are Yuri Landman (born February 1, 1973) a Dutch inventor of musical instruments and musician who has made several experimental electric string instruments for a number of artists including Lee Ranaldo of Sonic Youth, Liars, Jad Fair of Half Japanese, Liam Finn, and Laura-Mary Carter.. and
Gary Naylor (Scrubberfox), an electronic musician, hardware bend-maker and audio-visual artist; exploring smash beats, glitch, acid dance floor tracks and electronica as well as interactive digital visuals and installations. An audio-visual Chiptune retrospective through the Ages A/V electronic installation and performance. Using home-built modifications and circuit-bending techniques, Scrubber Fox takes antiquated and obsolete electronic equipment such video game consoles (Megadrives, NES, Atari 2600, Gameboy) and turns them into AV engines, using the existing sound and graphic chips within them. This hardware is then utilised as an “instrument” for avant-garde music and visual generation.

NMAC Reykjavik 24-25 march 2018
At Mengi: Óðinsgata 2, 101 Reykjavík, Ísland

The program:

Saturday 24
12.00-12.30 Presentation of NMAC
12.30-14.30 Lecture Yuri Landmann
14.30-15.30 Coffee break
15.30-17.30 Three different groups of ”show and tell”
1 Crafts
2 Electronic instruments
3 Acoustic instruments
17.30-18.00 Goodbye

Sunday 25
12.00-12.30 Welcome
12.30-14.30 Workshop 1 Geri Naylor
14.30-15.00 Coffee break with performance of ”Ekkoflok” DK
15.00-16.30 Workshop 2 Craft Maria Siska
and Lene Zachariassen
16.30-17.30 Networking. Meeting people from other artforms.
17.30-18.00 ”What’s next?” : The future of the NMAC network.

Earlier Event: March 24
Yuri Landman & Scrubber Fox