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Nordic Affect mætir í Mengi með efnisskrána
'A wheel slowly rolling out of itself'
en titillinn er tilvísun í verk Jóhanns Jóhannssonar sem hann samdi fyrir hópinn á síðasta ári. Með vistfræði tónlistar að leiðarljósi mun hópurinn Íslandsfrumflytja verk Jóhanns ásamt tónlist eftir eitt fremsta tónskáld Eistlands, Helena Tulve. Jafnframt verður flutt ný útgáfa Treatise on Light eftir Georg Kára Hilmarsson, spunaverk sem byggir á ljósmyndaraddskrá og umhverfishljóðum eftir Höllu Steinunni Stefánsdóttur og rúsínan í pylsuendanum er frumflutningur á nýju verki eftir Jobina Tinnemans sem þekkt er fyrir vistfræðinálgun sína í tónsmíðum.
Húsið opnar kl. 20:30 - Miðaverð er 2.500 kr.
Nordic Affect hefur komið sér á kortið sem framsækinn tónlistarhópur. Gagnrýnendur innan lands og utan hafa hælt hópnum í hástert, m.a. fyrir ‘ineffable synergy between the performers’ (San Francisco Classical Voice), lýst honum sem ‘multi-disciplinary force of nature’. (A Closer Listen) og sem gersemi í íslensku tónlistarlífi (Fréttablaðið).
Nánari upplýsingar má finna á FB síðu hópsins og vefsíðu:
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Nordic Affect returns to Mengi with the program 'A wheel slowly rolling out of itself'. With a theme circling around ecology, the award winning ensemble will perform for the first time in Iceland works by Jóhann Jóhannsson and one of Estonia's leading composers, Helena Tulve. The event also includes a new version of Treatise on Light by Georg Kári Vilmarsson, work based on field recordings and photographs by Halla Steinunn Stefánsdóttir as well as a premiere of a new work by Jobina Tinnemans.
Icelandic ensemble Nordic Affect has been hailed as ‘multi-disciplinary force of nature’ (A Closer Listen), as gem in Iceland’s music life (Fréttablaðið) and for ‘ineffable synergy between the performers’ (San Francisco Classical Voice). Founded in 2005, Nordic Affect was formed by a group of period instrument musicians who were united in their passion for viewing familiar musical forms from a different perspective and for daring to venture into new musical terrain. In 2013 the ensemble was nominated for the Nordic Council Music Prize and was named Performer of the Year at the Iceland Music Awards in 2014.
‘Decades ago the Sugarcubes proved to the rest of the world that Icelandic rock was its own original creation - now Nordic Affect promises to do the same for the country's new- music community.’ - The Chicago Reader
For further info visit their FB site or webpage:
Doors at 20:30 - Tickets are 2.500 kr.