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Flaaryr + Guðmundur Arnalds (atiseq) | AAIIEEN

  • MENGI 2 Óðinsgata Reykjavík, 101 Iceland (map)

Duo atiseq (Flaaryr and Guðmundur Arnalds) will play music from their upcoming record "Stochastic Collision Risk Model for Seabirds in Flight" next saturday, december 7th. The album is due to be released in January 2020. They have previously collaborated on the album "rosalega stór kaktus" ( In the music they mix prepared classical guitar with sound processing and electronics to create unique soundscapes

Concert starts 21:00 | Free entry (free contributions)


AAIIEENN is the solo project of electronic musician Hallmar Gauti Halldórsson. Halldórsson first came to music through being a mover and shaker in Iceland’s punk and hardcore scene where he was the “harsh noise guy” with local band Distil the World. With AAIIEENN however, Halldórsson moved away from the guitars and screaming to a fully electronic world of experimental synth music and gorging on the mathematical possibilities and expanses of arpeggio/sequencer driven ambient music.

Poster by Diego Manatrizio
Picture by Polka Polkovska


Laugardaginn 7. desember munu dúoið atiseq (Guðmundur Arnalds + Flaaryr) spila efni af væntanlegri plötu sinni "Stochastic Collision Risk Model for Seabirds in Flight". Verkin eru saman fyrir uppstiltan klassískan gítar og unnin rafmagnsgítar. Auk þeirra mun tónlistarmaðurinn AAIIEENN (Hallmar Gauti Halldórsson) koma fram og spila tilraunakennda raftónlist.

Viðburðinn hefst 21:00 | Frítt inn (frjáls framlög velkomin)

Veggspjald eftir Diego Manatrizio
Mynd eftir Polka Polkovska

Earlier Event: December 5
Ægir Sindri Bjarnason
Later Event: December 12