Raftónlistarkonurnar Loljud (SE) og rauður (IS) starfa báðar undir merkjum alþjóðlega samstarfsnetsins Synth Babes. Þær ætla að leiða saman tóna sína í Mengi fimmtudagskvöldið 5. mars og bjóða upp á rafmagnaða kvöldstund fyrir öll skilningarvitin.
Rauður gaf út plötuna „Semilunar“ í október á síðasta ári, og í lok mars er platan „The Phases“ væntanleg frá Loljud. Hún er komin hingað til lands til að kynna plötuna, auk þess sem ætlunin er að vinna að nýrri tónlist með rauði – og afraksturinn verður frumfluttur í Mengi!
Húsið opnar kl. 20:30 | Miðaverð er 2.000 kr.
Loljud er orðin vel þekkt í Skandinavíu fyrir tilraunakennda og leikræna nálgun sína á raftónlist. Henni hefur verið líkt við tónlistarfólk á borð við The Knife, Björk og Sia, og verið kölluð hvorki meira né minna en „raftónlistardrottning Malmö“.
Síðan fyrsta sólóplata rauðar kom út í október hefur hún komið fram á tónleikum og tónlistarhátíðum víða um Evrópu. Platan hefur hlotið mikið lof í erlendum miðlum og á tónlistarbloggum, og birtist á árslistum víða um heim, m.a. í Póllandi og Ástralíu.
Thursday March 5th, the electronic musicians Loljud and rauður will be merging their talents at Mengi, offering a night of captivating soundscapes, melodies and visual worlds.
The Swedish Loljud and Icelandic rauður have long worked together as a part of the international collective and label Synth Babes, experimenting within electronic art-pop. Now, Loljud is travelling to Iceland to present her forthcoming album “The Phases”, and to work on music with rauður – which concludes with this show at Mengi!
Doors at 20.30 | Tickets 2.000 kr.
About the artists:
Loljud, who has been compared to artists like The Knife, Björk and Sia, is recognised by her cross-artistic and unpredictable approach to electronic music. As a collector of sounds she sifts through the world with a butterfly net. Water drops, radio static and alarm clocks get caught in her net. Oljud (noise), which literally can be picked from her artist name, is not only surprises that glimmer in her production, but conceptual building blocks that brings the story forward.
Loljud is currently working on the album The Phases, a triptych divided into three EPs released under Synth Babes. The Pre Phase was released November 2018, The Acute Phase December 2019 and The Recovery Phase will be released on the 27th of March along with the full album on vinyl.
rauður is the stage name of Icelandic musician and producer Auður Viðarsdóttir. Formerly a keyboardist and singer of Nóra, a band active in Iceland’s music scene a few years back, she has now emerged as a solo artist. Through the making of her debut album 'Semilunar', out last October, she developed her unique sound, merging electronic and acoustic elements into an ethereal soundscape. The album has been well received worldwide, appearing on numerous “end of the year” lists, from the UK and Poland all the way to Australia.
On stage, rauður invites us into her enticing world of synthesisers, beats and samples - always safely guided by her beguiling, almost angelic, voice.
"Loljud’s performance works best... when it gives room for Loljud’s music that not only not only gnaws, but strikes sparks."
- Boel Gerell, Sydsvenskan
"The music of Iceland based artist Rauður is a vision for the ears.”
- Come Here Floyd