Við tilkynnum með stolti Moving Strings tónleikana í Mengi. Þemað þetta kvöld eru feedback hljóðfæri og endurómun strengja.
Fram koma Tabita Cargnel (DE) sem spilar á skúlptúra sína sem haldast saman með spennu strengja, Chris Kiefer (UK) með nýtt feedback hljóðfæri og Adam Pultz (DK) með feedback-bassann sinn. Öll fókusera þau á nýjar leiðir til að eiga við strengjahljóðfæri.
Húsið opnar kl. 19:30 en tónleikarnir hefjast kl. 20:00 | Miðaverð er 2.000 krónur.
Hægt er að tryggja sér miða með því að skrá sig hér.
We are happy to announce the Moving Strings Concert at Mengi. The theme of the evening is feedback instruments and resonating strings.
Performers are Tabita Cargnel (DE) with her singing tensegrity sculpture, Chris Kiefer (UK) with his new feedback instrument and Adam Pultz (DK) with his feedback-actuated bass. All are focusing on new ways of treating string instruments.
Doors open at 19:30. The concert starts at 20:00. Admission is 2.000 ISK.
Reserve your ticket(s) here.
Tabita Cargnel (DE)
Venus Smiles is a sound sculpture for communal performance. Ringing copper tubes, suspended in an architectural tensegrity system, can be played as a musical instrument by using your hands, a bow or your voice. Every element of the Venus Smiles instrument is tuned to the tubes main resonance note. The highly resonant and reverby sound creates an intense, immersive experience.
Chris Kiefer (UK)
Chris Kiefer is an instrument designer and experimental musician from Brighton, UK. He will be playing an improvised piece with a new feedback string instrument, the Xiasri, The piece will explore two coupled feedback systems, one within the physical materials of the instrument, and one within software, using self-concatenative synthesis, where new sound is resynthesised from the instruments recent past.
Adam Pultz (DK/DE)
Adam Pultz Melbye is a Berlin-based composer, musician and researcher He has released three double bass solo albums, appears on an additional 40+ releases and has toured Europe, the US, Australia and Japan. Adam has created fixed media pieces and sound installations for festivals, galleries and museums in Denmark, Australia, Germany and Austria. His writing has been published in international journals and conferences and he is currently guest editing an issue on feedback practices for the ECHO Journal at Orpheus Instituut, Gent.