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neonme | open rehearsal

  • Mengi 2 Óðinsgata 101, Reykjavík Iceland (map)

neonme (Salka Valsdóttir) heldur opna æfingu á tónleikum þann 30.október í Mengi

neonme er nýtt verkefni frá tónlistarkonni Sölku Valsdóttur sem hefur starfað í íslenskri tónlistarsenu síðustu 10 árin með hljómsveitunum Reykjavíkurdætur og CYBER.

Ásamt Sölku koma fram Mr.Silla (bakraddir og gítar), Tumi Árnason (saxófónn) og Bridget Ferrill (harpa).

Húsið opnar 20:30
Tónleikar hefjast 21:00
Miðaverð 2500 kr

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neonme is Salka Valsdóttir’s stage name and solo project. Coming from a diverse musical background varying from choir to hip hop, neonme is an intricate producer, marrying elements of dark pop, romantic opera and avant pop.

As production focused as the project is, Salka equally nurtures the lyrical aspect of the project with vivid descriptions of fear, loss, theaters, rollercoasters and past loves.

Salka is best known for her work with Daughters of Reykjavík and CYBER with whom she sees to all production and performs, as well as her composition for theaters such as Volksbühne and the National Theater of Iceland.

Doors open at 8:30 PM
Concert starts at 9:00 PM
Admission 2500 ISK