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Soffía Björg | The Company You Keep

  • Mengi 2 Óðinsgata 101, Reykjavík Iceland (map)

Soffía Björg og hljómsveit munu spila nýjustu plötu hennar, The Company You Keep ásamt annarri tónlist frá Soffíu.

Soffía er sjálfstætt starfandi tónlistarkona og gaf hún út The Company You Keep í lok árs 2021.
Verkið er samið fyrir píanó, selló, trompet, raddir og slagverk.
Soffía samdi og útsetti tónlistina fyrir utan slagverk, það var í höndum Magnúsar Trygvasonar Eliassen.

The Company You Keep komst á lista yfir 10 bestu plötur ársins 2021 skv. Nordic Music Central og var þar í 2. Sæti.

Með Soffíu verða:
Unnur Jónsdóttir selló
Ragnhildur Gunnarsdóttir trompet
Pétur Ben gítar
Magnús Trygvason Eliassen slagverk

Húsið opnar kl 20.30
Tónleikar hefst kl 21.00
Miðaverð 3000 kr


Soffía Björg and her band will perform her latest album, The Company You Keep, along with other music from her repertoire.

Soffía is an independent musician and she released The Company You Keep at the end of 2021.

The work is written for piano, cello, trumpet, voices and percussion. Soffía composed and arranged the music except for percussion which was in the hands of Magnús Trygvason Eliassen.

The Company You Keep made it to the list of the 10 best albums of 2021 according to Nordic Music Central where it earned 2nd place.

“She has every right to be proud. She opens her heart and bares her soul here about issues, mainly personal ones, in a way which isn’t at all cloying. I have no compunction at all in saying that it puts her in the same category as artists like Joni, Adele and Fiona.
When you ‘champion’ an artist from early on you do worry if you’ve made the right call. But at every stage Soffía Björg has raised her own bar and easily cleared it. I wondered if the second album might be difficult as it is for so many writers but no problem; she just breezed through it. Everything about this album is spot on; the musicianship, arrangement, vocals, lyricism, recording, variety; the whole nine yards.” - David James Bentley

Performing with Soffía are:
Unnur Jónsdóttir on cello
Ragnhildur Gunnarsdóttir on trumpet
Pétur Ben on guitar
Magnús Trygvason Eliassen on percussion

House opens 20.30
Concert starts 21.00
Admission is 3000 ISK