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  • Mengi 2 Óðinsgata 101, Reykjavík Iceland (map)

[IS] Klukkutíma langt trakk - taktviss blanda hljóðs og mynda. Pólska duóið Render býður upp á óhefðbunda og leyndardómsfulla rafræna upplifun í Mengi þann 10.júní. Dúóið er sprottið upp úr hljóð og videólistahópnum Distort Visual og eru tónleikarnir í Mengi hluti af pólsk-íslenska samstarfsverkefninu Act In_Out - samstarfsverkefni Sláturhússins við Fabryka Sztuki í Póllandi.

Húsið opnar kl. 19:30 | Frítt inn og öll velkomin

[ENG] One-hour track, resonating beats and audio-visuals – a concert in Mengi featuring the polish project Render. The show is unconventional, mysterious and electronic. Render project is an initiative created by the polish audio-visual collective Distort Visual, their performance in Mengi on June 10th is a part of the polish and islandic project ACT IN_OUT, a collaboration between Fabryka Sztuki and Slaturhusid.

Doors open at 19:30 | Free admission and everyone welcome!

[PL] Jeden godzinny utwór, rezonujące beaty i wizualizacje wideo – w Mengi zaprezentuje się polski projekt Render: nieco tajemniczy, elektroniczny i niekonwencjonalny. Render to dzieło polskiego kolektywu audio-wizualnego Distort Visual, który wystąpi w Reykjaviku w ramach polsko-islandzko-norweskiego projektu ACT IN_OUT.

The ACT IN_OUT project is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants and Norway Grants. Co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. Co-financed by the City of Łódź.