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  • Mengi 2 Óðinsgata 101, Reykjavík Iceland (map)


Hljóð- og myndefni og gjörningalist sameinast tilraunakenndum hljóðfæraleik á þessum spennandi tónleikum þar sem K!ART flytur fjölbreytt úrval tónlistar eftir dönsk og íslensk tónskáld.

Joss Smith: Misattributed Signifiers (2022)
Caitlin Rowly: Paper (2016-17)
Örlygur Arnalds: stykki1 (2022) [frumflutningur]
Hildur Elísa Jónsdóttir: Þyrst verk (2022) [frumflutningur]
Jens-Peter Møller: Passing Clouds (2022)

Húsið opnar 20:30
Viðburðurinn hefst klukkan 21:00
Aðgangseyrir 2.500 kr

Frekari upplýsingar um hvert og eitt verk má finna á vefsíðu Mengis, vefsíðu Klart og með því að smella á titilinn hér að ofan.

Húsið opnar kl. 20:30
Tónleikarnir hefjast kl. 21:00
Miðaverð er 2.500 kr.

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Doors open 20:30 | Tickets 2500

Works of music that draw on a multitude of media. Audio-visual elements and conceptual performance art is combined with experimental instrumental writing in this concert where ensemble K!ART present a diverse selection of music by Danish and Iceland composers.


Joss Smith: Misattributed Signifiers (2022)
Caitlin Rowly: Paper (2016-17)
Örlygur Arnalds: stykki1 (2022) [premiere]
Hildur Elísa Jónsdóttir: Thirsty Work (2022) [premiere]
Jens-Peter Møller: Passing Clouds (2022)

‘Thirsty Work’ by Hildur Elísa Jónsdóttir, is heavily inspired by the social media platform TikTok. The obnoxiously loud is contrasted with the insufferably asmr-like, and the performers used to be beautiful but are now even hotter.

Jens-Peter Møller’s ‘Passing Clouds’ can best be described as a musical facebook-feed: a continuing stream of information, designed to keep the full attention of the listeners. The work abruptly changes between its constituent parts, short ‘clips’ of jazz, avant-garde, and African hip hop.

Caitlin Rowley works with sounds suggested by interactions with paper – drawing, erasing, cutting, crumpling, and allowing paper to uncrumple itself.

In Örlygur Arnalds 'stykki1', the music finds itself at the aesthetic intersection of improvisational band playing and contemporary art music, and in Joss Smith’s ‘Misattributed signifiers’, performers look for connections where they might not find them. The work gradually plays with the limits of information that can be mimicked, eroding and subverting perceivable imitative connections.

K!ART [pronounced klart] is a post-instrumental ensemble based in Copenhagen. The group puts on DIY-flavored, intermedial music events characterized by experimental instrumental music, multimedia, performance art, and a holistic approach to curation taking into account staging and dramaturgy.

Performers: Mikkel Schou [guitar], Rob Durnin [keys], Hsiao-Tung Yuan [percussion], Ida Nørby [cello], Joss Smith [flute, clarinet].

The works by Örlygur Arnalds and Hildur Elísa Jónsdóttir are commissioned with support from Tónskáldasjóður Rúv and Stefs.

The concert is made possible with travel support from Nordic Culture Point.

K!ART's 2022 concert series is made possible with support from Statens Kunstfond, Det Obelske Familiefond, KODA Kultur, Kirsten og Gunners Fond, William Demant Fond, Knud Højgaards Fond, Aage og Louis-Hansens Fond, Music City Aarhus, Solistforeningen af 1921, Københavns Kommunes Musikudvalg, Frederiksberg Kommunes Musikudvalg, Dansk Musiker Forbund, and Aarhus Kommunes Musikudvalg.
