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Jóhannes Stefáns, Max Frimout, Scene 1997 & Guðmundur Arnalds

  • Mengi 2 Óðinsgata 101, Reykjavík Iceland (map)

Næstkomandi sunnudag verður blásið til eyrnars-leiks með atriðum frá Reykjavík og Den Haag.

Fram koma:
Jóhannes Stefáns (IS)
Max Frimout (NL)
Guðmundur Arnalds (IS) & Scene 1997 (NL)

Húsið opnar kl. 20:30
Viðburðurinn hefst kl. 21:00
Miðaverð er 2.500 krónur.

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A dialogue between sound artists and music technologists from Reykjavik and The Hague embedded in niche voltage controlled systems and obsessive sampling techniques.

Jóhannes Stefáns (IS)

Old recordings rearranged, synthesized materials; s e q u e n c e d.
A Melody and Noise > < correspondence.

Max Frimout (NL)

Convenient store tiles,
small bandwidth loudspeakers,
damaged recordings stuck on repeat (forever),
algorithms contemplate;


Guðmundur Arnalds (IS) & Scene 1997 (NL)

Want you to make me feel,
like I'm the only girl in the world,
like I'm the only one that you'll ever love,
like I'm the only one who knows your heart.
the only girl in the world.
Like I'm the only one that's in command,
because I'm the only one who understands,
like I'm the only one who knows your heart.
The only one,
girl in the world,
only girl in the world,
girl in the world,
the only one.

Doors at 8:30 PM
Event starts at 9 PM
Admission 2.500 kr.