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LEMUR | Duch & Grenager

  • Mengi 2 Óðinsgata 101, Reykjavík Iceland (map)

Við erum spennt að kynna tónleika Lemur, Duch og Grenager föstudaginn 24. nóvember. Tvö atriði verða á dagskrá þetta kvöld; einleiksverk fyrir kontrabassa + vídeóverk og síðar kvartett.

Húsið opnar kl 19:30
Viðburðurinn hefst klukkan 20:00
Miðaverð: 3.000 kr


Lene Grenager

Fyrir kontrabassa, segulband og myndband
Michael Duch - kontrabassi
Jeremy Welsh - myndband

Í Reconstruction V - Shadows of Machines eftir Lene Grenager eru iðnaðarhljóð miðlægur hluti tónverksins. Verkið er hluti af seríu fyrir ýmsar tegundir hljómsveita, þar sem tengslin milli tónlistar og vélarhávaða kanna mörkin hvar tónlistarmaður og vél skipta hlutverkum.


Lene Grenager – selló
Bjørnar Habbestad – flauta
Hild Sofie Tafjord – franskt horn
Michael Duch - kontrabassi

Lemur flytur samtímatónlist í formi spuna eftir fyrirframgefnum hugmyndum. Hópurinn starfar sem fjórhöfða lífvera en hver hljóðfæraleikari færir styrk sinn inn í hópinn sem hefur frá stofnun árið 2006 komið fram í Noregi, Svíþjóð, Danmörku, Íslandi, Þýskalandi, Belgíu, Hollandi, Frakklandi, Ítalíu, Lettlandi, Taívan, Macau, Kína, Englandi og Skotlandi. Plötur þeirra á hafa hlotið mikið lof gagnrýnenda. Þau hafa starfað með Stian Westerhus, Paul Lytton, Julia Eckhardt, Mats Gustafsson, Ilan Volkov, Lotte Anker, Amit Sen, Robin Hayward, John Hegre, Caput Ensemble, Glasgow Improvisors Orchestra, Dickson Dee, Trondheim Sinfonietta, N Ensemble og Tom Løberg auk annarra.

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We in Mengi are thrilled to announce the concert of Lemur, Duch and Grenager on Friday, November 24. The performance consists of two sets; one solo bass + video and an ensemble.

Doors open at 19:30
Performance starts at 20:00
Ticket price: 3.000 ISK


Lene Grenager

For double bass, tape and video
Michael Duch – double bass
Jeremy Welsh - video

In Lene Grenager's Reconstruction V/Shadows of Machines, industrial sounds are a central part of the composition. The piece is part of a series for various ensembles, exploring the relationship between music and machine noise, where musician and machine switch roles in terms of focus. The visual movements of the machines are also central in both the machine's execution and the human performer, which is emphasized through Jeremy Welsh's video work.


Lene Grenager – cello
Bjørnar Habbestad – flute
Hild Sofie Tafjord – French horn
Michael Duch – double bass

Lemur performs, creates and curates contemporary music in improvised, composed, mediated and conceptual formats. The group works as four-headed organism of strong-minded individuals geared on creative group processes. Since forming in 2006 Lemur has performed in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Germany, Belgium, Holland, France, Italy, Latvia, Taiwan, Macau, China, England and Scotland. Their albums on +3db records have been met with much critical acclaim, as is the case with their collaborations with Stian Westerhus, Paul Lytton, Julia Eckhardt, Mats Gustafsson, Ilan Volkov, Lotte Anker, Amit Sen, Robin Hayward, John Hegre, Caput Ensemble, Glasgow Improvisors Orchestra, Dickson Dee, Trondheim Sinfonietta, N Ensemble and Tom Løberg amongst others.


(b. 1978, Trondheim) plays double bass. He is professor of double bass, jazz and experimental music at the Department of Music, NTNU, where he also holds the position as Deputy Head of Research. He has been involved in more than 80 releases, including the critically acclaimed record Cornelius Cardew: Works 1960-70 with the Tilbury / Duch / Davies trio. He plays improvised and composed music both in solo format and with different ensembles and has collaborated with Pauline Oliveros, Christian Wolff, Tony Conrad, Jennifer Walshe, to name a few.


(b. 1969, Halden) is a composer and cellist. She is educated at the Norwegian Academy of Music and has written works for several international and Norwegian musicians and ensembles, spanning from solo to orchestral formats. She has participated as a musician, composer, producer and conductor on more than 30 releases and has played or performed at festivals like Ultima, Stockholm New Music, Huddersfield CMF, November Music, Donaueschinger Musiktage, FIMAV, Tectonics and Moldejazz. She works regularly with the improvisation ensembles SPUNK, Lemur, in duo with Sofia Jernberg and as a soloist, touring in Europe, Canada and the United States.


(b. 1974, Sula) is a horn player, electronic musician, composer and pedagogue. She is educated at the Norwegian Music Academy, currently working as an ensemble musician and soloist in Lemur, SPUNK and Zeitkratzer. She has worked closely other artists and ensembles such as Trondheim Jazz Orchestra, Lotta Melin, Fred Frith, Fire Orchestra, Phantom Orchard ao, touring internationally since 1995. Tafjord has created music for dance, theatre, installations and performance, has contributed to around 60 records and has released two solo albums on picadisc and +3db. In 2017 she held the position as Artist in Residence at EMS in Stockholm.


(b. 1976, Bømlo) is a flutist, composer and sound artist. He is educated in music, art history and philosophy from Bergen, London and Amsterdam, working across formats and genres of art and contemporary music. As a Research Fellow at the Norwegian Academy of Music he has studied collaborative processes between musicians and composers. Currently he is active as an soloist and ensemble musician with engagements in Norway, Europe, Asia and the US. Recently, Habbestad was appointed Artistic director of nyMusikk and its festival OnlyConnect.

(b.1954, Great Britain)

Has been working with a combination of video/film, sound, photography, installation, and performance since the late 1970s. He has carried out several public art decorations, and in recent years, he has often collaborated with contemporary musicians, composers, and sound artists. Jeremy Welsh has had a long-term collaboration with the Bergen-based sound artist Trond Lossius and an ongoing project with the musician Michael Duch. Throughout his career, Welsh has combined artistic work with curatorial projects and teaching at art academies in Trondheim and Bergen. Welsh's recent projects have been exhibited in Norway, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, and Austria.

Later Event: November 29