Heðin Ziska Davidsen (FO), Jesper Pedersen (DK/IS) and Miké Thomsen (GL) combine modular synthesizer music with vocals inspired by traditional Greenlandic drum dance.
The three members of the group are from the three remaining countries of the Danish commonwealth. All members have strong ties to Iceland, the country that most recently broke with the Danish Commonwealth and declared independence. The Faroe Islands and Greenland both have political and national movements promoting their own independence. The group is investigating the possible musical liberation and artistic freedom within the framework
of experimental electronic music and on the other hand traditionally rooted Inuit music. They seek to create a musical language that embraces both past, present and future sonic expression and to bring this music to the so called “outskirts” of the Commonwealth.
The elements of the group form a three dimensional artistic abstraction of the Danish commonwealth. On one axis the individual nationalities of the group members represent the individual countries and their respective culture. On one axis the meeting between the traditional Inuit drum dance and the electronic modular synthesizers is representing the meeting between the hunters civilization and the industrialized civilization. And on the final axis, the improvised nature of the musical performance represents the communication between and about the regions concerned.
In this process, we present an artistic abstraction of the commonwealth where questions can be formed that can migrate to the concrete.
Since forming in 2017, the group has performed at Iceland Airwaves, Dark Music Days, Summartónar, Listaleypurin, Nuuk Nordic Arts Festival and Nordic Music Days. An LP is in the making.
The concert is part of the PULS music series in MENGI which is funded by the Nordic Culture Fund.
Doors 19:30 | Miðaverð 3.000 kr
Heðin Ziska Davidsen, Jesper Pedersen og Miké Thomsen blanda saman módúlarhljóðgervla tónlist með röddum sem draga innblástur úr hefðbundni grænlenskri trommudans tónlist.
Þrír meðlimir hljómsveitarinnar eru frá þeim löndum sem eru eftir af Danska ríkissambandinu en hafa allir sterk tengsl við Ísland, það lend sem síðast sagði sig úr sambandinu og lýsti yfir sjálfstæði.
Frá því að sveitin var stofnuð árið 2017 hefur hún komið fram á Iceland Airwaves, Myrkum músik dögum, Nuuk Nordic Arts Festival og Norrænu tónlistardögunum. Hún er nú að vinna í sinnu fyrstu breiðskífu.
Tónleikarnir eru haldnirsem hluti af tónlistarseríu PULS, sem styrkt er af Nordisk Kultur Fond.
Húsið opnar 19:30 | Miðaverð 3.000 kr