Mari Kamura & John Crawford
Mari Kimura og John Crawford flytja fiðluverk í gagnvirkum a/v kerfum auk þess sem þau kynna nýja hreyfinemann MUGIC® sem er notaður af listafólki víðsvegar um heim. Íslenska tónskáldið Páll Ragnar Pálsson er samstarfsmaður dúósins og verður farið stuttlega yfir þeirra samvinnu en gestir mega eiga von á nóg af góðri tónlist.
Gestir geta einnig keypt MUGIC® að tónleikum loknum en hreyfineminn verður á sérstöku tilboði.
Á efnisskránni má finna eftirfarandi verk:
Dai Fujikura: Motion Notions (2019)
Páll Pálsson: MoMA - solo violin version (2023)
For violin and MUGIC® sensor
Graphics: John Crawford
Hubert Howe: Inharmonic Fantasy No. 17
Film: Breached by Storms (2023)
Director: John Crawford
Choreographer: Lisa Naugle
William Fastenow: Unfolding (2023)
Graphics: John Crawford
Mari Kimura: Rossby Waving
Graphics: Liubo Borissov (2017)
Húsið opnar 19:30
Tónleikarnir hefjast kl. 20:00
Miðar 2.500 kr
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Evening of Violin and Interactive Audio Visual music and demonstration of motion sensor MUGIC®
Dai Fujikura: Motion Notions (2019)
Páll Pálsson: MoMA - solo violin version (2023)
For violin and MUGIC® sensor
Graphics: John Crawford
Hubert Howe: Inharmonic Fantasy No. 17
Film: Breached by Storms (2023)
Director: John Crawford
Choreographer: Lisa Naugle
William Fastenow: Unfolding (2023)
Graphics: John Crawford
Mari Kimura: Rossby Waving
Graphics: Liubo Borissov (2017)
Doors open at 8:30 p.m.
The event starts at 9:00 p.m.
Tickets are 2500 ISK
Kimura will show the various use of MUGIC® by many artists and students, and will demonstrate how MUGIC® is used in her own works. John Crawford will demonstrate using MUGIC® to control interactive graphics programs such as TouchDesigner and Max/Jitter.
Kimura will also discuss and demonstrate the ongoing collaboration with Icelandic composer Páll Ragnar Pálsson, who will be in attendance.
Developed by violinist/composer Mari Kimura, MUGIC® is a motion sensor system that can control anything with motion.
Many artists, universities and festivals around the world are using MUGIC® for their creations. The use of MUGIC® is expanding from music to dance, theater, visual arts and areas other than performing arts.
There will be a limited opportunity to purchase MUGIC® on site at "MENGI special discount" price of 180Euro ($199USD, normally at $239).