Mengi kynnir 2 kvöld með kanadísk-japanska tónskáldinu Daryl Jamieson ásamt gestum.
Miðaverð á stakt kvöld er 3.000 kr.
Húsið opnar kl. 19:30
Tónleikarnir hefjast kl. 20:00
෴ Miðvikudaginn 20. september:
Á tónleikunum verða flutt verk eftir kanadísk-japanska tónskáldið Daryl Jamieson. Tinna Þorsteinsdóttir leikur á píanó og Una Sveinbjarnardóttir á fiðlu en einnig munu aðrir gestir koma fram auk tónskáldsins sjálfs.
෴ Fimmtudaginn 21. september:
Á tónleikunum verða flutt verk eftir Daryl Jamieson. Verkin á þessum tónleikum samanstanda af myndböndum og rafhljóðum ásamt lifandi flutningi sem er í höndum tónskáldsins sjálfs og Guðmundar Steins Gunnarssonar.
Daryl Jamieson er fæddur í Halifax, Nova Scotia og býr í Zushi og Fukuoka í Japan. Tónlist hans sækir annars vegar í "New York-skólann" og ameríska tilraunatónlist en hins vegar japanska tónlist, einkum úr No leikhúsi. Tónlist hans er oft látlaus en myndræn en mörg verka hans skoða sambandið við minningar um ákveðna staði.
Eftir nám í Guildhall sótti hann einkatíma hjá Jo Kondo í Tokyo en síðar átti hann eftir að þýða bók Kondo's "homo audiens".
Nánari upplýsingar um Daryl má finna hér:
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Mengi is excited to present two nights with the Canadian-Japanese composer Daryl Jamieson & friends.
Tickets per night 3.000 kr.
Doors open at 19:30
The concerts start at 20:00
෴ On the first night, Wednesday, September 20th, a number of pieces by him will be performed by Tinna Þorsteinsdóttir on piano and Una Sveinbjarnardóttir on violin, along with secret guests.
෴ On the second night, Thursday, September 21st, Jamieson's pieces become a mix of live performance with pre-recorded audio and video. The composer himself, with Guðmundur Steinn Gunnarsson will perform the music along with secret guests.
Daryl Jamieson (b.1980, Halifax NS) is based in Zushi and Fukuoka, Japan. After Wilfrid Laurier University, he studied at London's Guildhall School of Music and Drama and the University of York. He then spent a post-doctoral year in Tokyo studying with Jo Kondo. He is currently assistant professor of composition at Kyushu University of Music and is published by Da Vinci Edition and the Canadian Music Centre.
In 2018, he received the Toshi Ichiyanagi Contemporary Prize for the third of his Vanitas trilogy of music theatre pieces. Jamieson's music, written for both western classical and Japanese traditional instruments, is influenced by his study of Nō theatre and Japanese philosophy. It has been performed across Europe, Japan, and North America by many soloists and ensembles.
In addition to composing, he also co-founded the intercultural music theatre company 'atelier jaku', and is active as a researcher, writing on Japanese aesthetics, and contemporary music and spirituality. He has also written music criticism for TEMPO (UK) and Nutida Musik (Sweden), and was the English translator of Jo Kondo's book homo audiens (MusikTexte, 2022).
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