(English below)
Ástralska píanistinn, tónskáldið og raftónlistarmaðurinn Anthony Pateras snýr aftur í Mengi og flytur áhorfendum ný sólóverk í sínum einstaka stíl sem er virtúósískur og persónulegur í senn. Auk þess mun landi hans, hið magnaða tónskáld og klarinettuleikari Anthony Burr, spila sólóefni með eigin tónsmíðum en hann er þekktur fyrir samstarf sitt við Alvin Lucier, Jim O’Rourke og Skúla Sverrisson. Loks munu þeir nafnar gefa áhorfendum innsýn inn í hið meditatíva tónmál sem einkennir fyrstu plötu þeirra saman, The Long Exhale sem kom út hjá Immediata árið 2016 og vakti frábærar undirtektir á alþjóðlegum vettvangi.
Húsið opnar 19:30 | Miðaverð 4.000 kr
Ferilskrár Pateras og Burr má lesa á ensku hér aðeins neðar.
Internationally acclaimed composer, pianist & electronic artist Anthony Pateras returns to Mengi for the first time in 5 years to present new solo works & a duo with veteran clarinettist Anthony Burr. This concert will showcase Pateras’ ongoing interrogation of his highly personal pianistic virtuosity, as well as his meditative duo language with Burr, as heard on their acclaimed 2016 Immediata debut The Long Exhale.
Stretching from his early releases on John Zorn’s Tzadik label, through his four solo/collaborative albums on flagship Austrian label Editions Mego, via his own Immediata music/text project to his more recent records on seminal imprints Another Timbre & Shelter Press, Pateras’ music over the last two decades is slippery & ever-changing. Spanning grindcore bands, glitched out hip hop, delicate ensemble works, full-on orchestral pieces, mise-en-abyme musique concrete, maximalist noise, acousmatic diffusions and more recently, drone-y Italian prog, Anthony’s musical identity is aurally located solely at a nexus of the desire to explore, the will to interrogate, the highest level of craft, and minimal bullshit.
Doors 19:30 | Tickets 4.000 kr
Anthony Pateras // Djaara Country
Bandcamp // IG archive // YT channel
Clarinetist Anthony Burr works across and beyond traditional chamber
music, contemporary classical, recording engineering, and musical
production. Along the way he has worked with Alvin Lucier, Brian
Ferneyhough, Jim O’Rourke, Helmut Lachenmann and many others in the presentation of their work. Ongoing collaborations include a duo with Skúli Sverrisson and The Clarinets with Chris Speed and Oscar Noriega. Burr currently teaches in the music department of the University of California, San Diego, where he collaborates frequently with cellist Charles Curtis.