Welcome to an evening of improvisation with music composition students of The Iceland Academy of The Arts. The gathering is part of composer / music producer Kira Kira’s workshop “The Creative Spark,” which she has been touring with alongside performing in music- and film festivals for the past few years. She will be hosting the evening.
In the workshop the students explore various angles of creativity through collaboration and improvisation as well as focusing in on their own unique creative spark while gathering and farming ideas, brainstorming and celebrating an all round holy playfulness.
Tickets are free, everyone is welcome.
Spunakvöld með tónsmíðanemum úr Listaháskóla Íslands sem sótt hafa smiðju er lýtur að skapandi kraftlyftingum hjá Kiru Kiru (Kristínu Björk Kristjánsdóttur) í haust. Í smiðjunni er hreyft við sköpunarkraftinum í gegnum spuna og samstarf auk þess sem hver fyrir sig fókuserar inn á sinn eigin einstaka sköpunarneista í gegnum ýmis konar kreatív ferli.
Hugmyndabúskapur og umgengni við innri tónlistaruppsprettur er mikilvægur þáttur í smiðjunni og allt er þetta skoðað í gegnum heilaga leikgleði.
Öll velkomin og aðgangur er ókeypis.
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Earlier Event: September 17
MaWa alphabet // Ásta Fanney
Later Event: September 20
Joan Shelley