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Eliot Cardinaux

  • MENGI 2 Óðinsgata Reykjavík, 101 Iceland (map)

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Bandaríski píanistinn og ljóðskáldið Eliot Cardinaux kemur fram í fyrsta sinn í Mengi laugardaginn 3. nóvember.

Eliot fæddist í Dayton í Ohio ríki árið 1984 og er búsettur í Northampton í Massachusetts. Hann lærði djass-píanó í Tónlistarskólanum í Manhattan (Manhattan School of Music) og spuna og ljóðlist í New England Conservatory háskólanum. Eliot stofnaði útgáfufyrirtækið Bodily Press þar sem kemur út efni eftir hann sjálfan sem og önnur ljóðskáld. Meðal þess efnis sem komið hefur þar út er ljóðasafn Eliot, By the Hand, og plata tríósins Magpie; Six Feet on Solid Ground. Fyrsta plata Eliot sem hljómsveitarstjóri, American Thicket, kom út árið 2016 hjá útgáfufyrirtækinu Loyal og á henni koma fram Mat Maneri (víóla), Thomas Morgan (bassi) og Flin van Hemmen (trommur). Eliot hefur einnig tekið þátt í verkefnum á borð við Odysseus Alone, Magpie, Our Hearts as Thieves og The Gown Entry. Ljóð hans hafa komið út hjá Caliban Online, Big Big Wednesday, Hollow, Bloodrott Literary Journal, o.fl. Nýjasta sóló verkefni hans, Sweet Beyond Witness, kom út á Bodily Press í águst 2018.

Húsið opnar 20:30 og tónleikarnir hefjast 21:00 - miðaverð 2.000 kr.

Ljósmynd: Michelle Arcila Opsvik

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American pianist and poet, Eliot Cardinaux performs in Mengi for the first time on Saturday, November 3rd.

Born in Dayton, Ohio in 1984 to a musical family, Eliot Cardinaux is a pianist and poet now living in Northampton, Massachusetts. Having studied jazz piano at Manhattan School of Music, as well as contemporary improvisation and poetry at the New England Conservatory, he has lived in many places and absorbed a variety of influences. He is the founder of The Bodily Press through which he has released the works of other poets, as well as several of his own chapbooks, and CDs, including, most recently, the collection of poems, By the Hand, and the Danish-American trio album, Magpie: Six Feet On Solid Ground. His first album as a leader, American Thicket, was released in 2016 on Loyal Label, and features Mat Maneri (viola), Thomas Morgan (bass), and Flin van Hemmen (drums). He has since been involved in projects such as Odysseus Alone, Magpie, Our Hearts as Thieves, and The Gown of Entry. His poetry has been published in Caliban Online, Big Big Wednesday, Hollow, Bloodroot Literary Journal, and others. Cardinaux performs and records regularly around the East Coast and in Europe, with musicians such as Joe Morris, Asger Thomsen, Jeb Bishop, Mia Dyberg, and Kresten Osgood. His latest solo project, Sweet Beyond Witness, is an album of piano compositions and spoken word with accompanying writings and film, released on The Bodily Press in August, 2018.

Doors at 20:30 - Event starts at 21:00 - Tickets are 2.000 kr.

Photo by Michelle Arcila Opsvik

Earlier Event: November 2
Hafdís Bjarnadóttir & Parallax
Later Event: November 5
Chris Speed Trio