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Stephen Dorocke kemur fram í Mengi föstudaginn 30. nóvember.
Risofon er rannsóknarverkefni og könnun Stephens á hljóðfærinu Resophone, sem er umbreyttur stálgítar (resonator guitar) sem jafnframt er hægt að leika á með stáli, fiðlubogum sem og öðrum verkfærum.
Stephen hefur verið ævintýragjarn við hljóðsköpun frá unga aldri og spilar tónlist í anda listamanna á borð við Miles Davis, Sun Ra, Karlheinz Stockhausen, John Cage, Harry Bertoia, Egisto Macchi og Harry Partch. Innblástur sinn fyrir gítarspili dregur hann meðal annars frá Derek Bailey, Freddie Roulette, Jerry Byrd og Alvino Rey. Veraldlegir tónar koma einnig við í hljóðheimi resofóníunnar. Stephen hefur komur fram með ýmsum tónlistarmönnum á borð við Can.Ky.Ree, The Lofty Pillars, The Handsome Family, Freakwater og Pilgrim Beware. Um þessar mundir starfar starfar hann í Chicago. ´
Það veitir Stephen mikla ánægju að koma aftur fram í Mengi og mun kvöldið samanstanda af spunatónlist. Með honum koma fram Berglind María Tómasdóttir á flútu og Lokk og Dr. Julian Thayer á kontrabassa. Bára Gísladóttir og David Zerlin (Trenchalant) munu einnig vera hluti af dagskrá.
Húsið opnar 20:30 og tónleikarnir hefjast 21:00 - miðaverð 2.000 kr.
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Stephen Dorocke performs in Mengi on friday, November 30th.
Stephen Dorocke's project Risofon, is the ongoing sonic research and exploration utilizing the "Resophone", a modified and sometimes prepared metal body resonator guitar, set up for playing with a steel, bows, and other vibrational initiators.
Sonically adventurous at a young age, thanks to the presence of a short wave radio in the family home, Dorocke continues the exploratory traditions of artists such as Sun Ra, Miles Davis, Karlheinz Stockhausen, John Cage, Harry Bertoia, Egisto Macchi,and Harry Partch, as well as Derek Bailey, Freddie Roulette, Jerry Byrd, and Alvino Rey from a guitaristic standpoint. The worldly and cosmic sounds that surround us are also influential in the sonic componentry of the Resophonian Dialect. Stepheb has toured, performed, and recorded with various artists, such as Can.Ky.Ree, The Lofty Pillars, The Handsome Family, Freakwater, and Pilgrim Beware, playing steel guitar (pedal and lap), guitar, violin, mandola/ mandolin, accordion, and d'oud, a self designed/built oud variant. He is based in Chicago.
Stephen is very happy to be returning to Mengi for another evening of improvised music/sound with the original Icelandic
trio of Berglind María Tómasdóttir on flutes and Lokkur, and Dr. Julian Thayer on double bass. This very
special evening will also include double bassist and composer Bára Gísladóttir, and Chicago colleagues
double bassist Daniel Thatcher (TBD3), and electronisist David Zerlin (Trenchalant).
Doors at 20:30 - Event starts at 21:00 - Tickets are 2.000 kr.