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Tónlistarmennirnir AAIIEENN (Hallmar Gauti Halldórsson) og Nicolas Kunysz koma fram í Mengi föstudaginn 23. febrúar kl. 21.
Húsið opnar kl. 20.30. Miðaverð er 2.000 krónur.
Belgíski listamaðurinn Nicolas Kunysz hefur verið búsettur á Íslandi í nokkur ár, starfað sem tónlistarmaður, hönnuður, stofnandi lowercase nights og annar af tveimur stofnendum útgáfunnar Lady Boy Records.
Heillandi, sveimkenndur hljóðheimur hans fléttast úr vettvangshljóðritunum héðan og þaðan, rafhljóðum, ólíkum hljóðfærum, margradda og þéttofinn hljóðvefur sem spannar mikla breidd, lágtíðni og fíngerð blæbrigði, ærandi drunur og allt þar á milli.
AAIIEENN er hugarfóstur tónlistarmannsins Hallmars Gauta Halldórssonar.Tónlist AAIIEENN er að mestu tilraunakennd og nýting á polyrhythmum er áberandi. Flókinn hljóðheimur og mínímalisk uppbygging býr til það andrúmsloft sem tónlistin gefur frá sér.
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Nicolas Kunysz
Founder of lowercase nights & co founder of Lady Boy Records, Nicolas is a Belgian artist & designer living in Reykjavik since 2009;
His music takes place in the realm of warm ambient drone, electro acoustic;
From tape loops to real time programming he combines lo and hi fi techniques to create his soundscapes; Often, accidental recordings and glitches participate to the multi layering process of making his tracks.
Textures generated by instruments and field recordings build up a sensitive sound architecture that keep on building up and collapsing.
AAIIEENN is the brainchild of composer and musician Hallmar Gauti Halldórsson. Using modular synthesis, AAIIEENN is all about experimentation and entertainment of creating weird jagged polyrhythms, complex sound textures and minimalistic structures.
The influential base that informs his work came from Halldórsson's exposure to math rock, ambient music, and harsh noise during his elementary school days in western Iceland, where being exposed to weird time signatures, melodies, and wild ambient soundscapes completely captured his attention.
His newest record, Vertices, released in November 2016 on FALK Records.
AAIIEENN's live shows are comprised of vivid and receptive visuals amongst dark aesthetic along a bespoke audio visual display that links his music to various mathematical algorithms.