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Mengi Series presents: aYia live at IÐNÓ

  • IÐNÓ 3, Vonarstræti Reykjavík, 101 Iceland (map)

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Mengi Series proudly presents aYia live at Iðnó Thursday September 13th. 
Madonna + Child support.

Event starts: 21.00
Tickets: 2.000 kr.

aYia is not a band. 

"Their sounds are fresh without being confusing, and unlike many one-single-new-electronic bands, they actually had a full, diverse set of songs to perform. They range from slow, pulsing soundscapes to properly dance-able synthpop, but always with a fresh twist...aYia is not just another new Icelandic electronic band, they’re THE new Icelandic electronic band”. 
Grayson Del Faro, The Reykjavík Grapevine


Small demon sisters. Both Madonna. Both Child. No one has any idea where or when they arrived, they were just suddenly here surrounded by mysterious secrets and magic rabbits. Therefore, it is important to beware of Madonna + Child because nobody knows who they are, although they are everywhere around us. Madonna + Child sing about dangerous creatures, cats and death trains. Also all kinds of other things. Madonna + Child play strangespookytechnocomputerbeats to a dark and mysterious piano. Madonna + Child also play tibetan bells. M + C 4ever "This emerging duo of charmingly masked creatures make highly weird minimal tunes, which defy categorisation. Rooted in a sense of improvisation, play, mystery and mischief, Madonna + Child fill big spaces with small sounds, pulling out the kind of creepiness that is best sensed by children at bedtime.” Madonna + Child invite you to their hidden reality

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ 

Mengi Series kynnir aYia í Iðnó, fimmtudaginn 13. september.
Madonna + Child hita upp.

Viðburðurinn hefst kl. 21:00
Miðaverð er: 2.000 kr.

aYia er dularfyllsta hljómsveit Íslands. Hljómsveitin setur tónlistina í fyrirrúm og kjósa meðlimir hennar að koma ekki fram undir nafni. aYia var stofnuð fyrir tveimur árum en kom í fyrsta skipti fram á Secret Solstice-hátíðinni í sumar. Með tilkomu aYia opnaðist ný vídd, hljóðheimur sem fer með hlustandann í ferðalag um ókannaða geima. Í þau fáu skipti sem aYia hefur spilað opinberlega hafa áhorfendur verið hnepptir í álög og yfirnáttúruleg stemmning ráðið ríkjum."
- Stúdentablaðið

Madonna + Child. 
Litlar djöflasystur. Báðar Madonna. Báðar Child. Það hefur enginn hugmynd um hvaðan eða hvenær þær komu, þær voru bara allt í einu hér umkringdar dularfullum leyndarmálum og galdrakanínum. Madonna + Child syngja um varasamar verur, kisur og dauðalestir. Líka um allskonar annað. Madonna + Child spila draugaleg teknótölvubít undir dularfullum og myrkum píanótónum. Madonna + Child spila líka á bjöllur.
M+C 4ever.