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Minningar Release Concert | Physical Cinema Festival

  • Mengi 2 Óðinsgata 101, Reykjavík Iceland (map)

Daniele Girolamo, Úlfur Hansson og Eyrún Engilbertsdóttir leika Minningar fyrir gesti Mengis á tónleikum Physical Cinema Festival þriðjudaginn 25. maí kl. 21:00 - miðapantanir hér:

Sökum hlýnunar jarðar munu ómetanlegir hlutar náttúrunnar glatast innan örfárra ára. Markmið Minninga er að varðveita minningar um örfáa þeirra. Þeirra fyrsta viðfangsefni var Snæfellsjökull sem hefur hopað mikið á síðustu áratugum. Þeirra fyrsta plata ,,From The Ocean/To The Ocean” kom út 8. apríl á bandcamp og var vel lýst af Hannah Jane frá Grapevine: "The album features a few of these [field] recordings laid bare, along with two that the group has improvised intricate and impassioned soundscapes over. The end result is a documentation of a moment in glacial time that already, only months later, seems lost in the ether.”

Minningar munu koma fram í fyrsta sinn og flytja lög af plötunni en tónleikarnir eru partur af Physical Cinema Festival í Mengi og mun Rossana Silvia mála vatnslitaverk á meðan tónleikunum stendur, úr bráðnuðum ís Snæfellsjökuls. Platan mun loksins vera til sölu á vínyl og þetta takmarkaða upplag mun innihalda vatnslitaverk eftir Rossana. Þá verður einnig varpað upp vídjóverki eftir Anastasiya en hún er rússnesk listakona sem tók upp myndefni frá frosna stöðuvatninu Baikal í Síberíu, annar frosinn risi sem mun á endanum sameinast sjónum.

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Minningar is a music and art project which focuses on recording memories of elements which will soon disappear due to climate change. The first subject was the glacier Snæfellsjökull, which has declined rapidly in the last few decades. Their debut album "From The Ocean/To The Ocean" was released on the 8th of April on bandcamp and its atmosphere was well described by Hannah Jane of Grapevine: "The album features a few of these [field] recordings laid bare, along with two that the group has improvised intricate and impassioned soundscapes over. The end result is a documentation of a moment in glacial time that already, only months later, seems lost in the ether."

Minningar will be performing their album live for the first time in Mengi as part of the Physical Cinema Festival, alongside Rossana Silvia, an Italian Iceland-based artist who will be painting live throughout the concert, using melted ice from the Snæfellsjökull Glacier. Their album will finally be available to purchase on vinyl and this limited edition will include water paintings by Rossana. Their performance will be accompanied by visuals made by Anastasiya, a Russian artist who recorded footage from the frozen Lake Baikal in Siberia - another frozen giant which is moving at a glacial pace towards the ocean and will eventually become part of it.

∞ Listen to their album here:
∞ Read the Grapevine interview with Minningar here:
∞ Check out Rossana Silvia here:
∞ Check out the festival here:

Admission is 2.000 kr. but a festival pass to Physical Cinema Fest gets you in for free. See you on the 25th of May at 8:30 pm in Mengi!