Gítarleikarinn Kristinn Smári Kristinsson fagnar útgáfu plötunnar Amidst sem kom út hjá Berlínarútgáfunni Acna Rusd á dögunum. Verkefnið var styrkt af Tónlistarsjóði.
Rafgítarleikur Kristins minnir helst á orgel eða hljóðgervil en hann stækkar litróf gítarsins með hjálp tölvu. Á tónleikunum mun Kristinn spinna tónlist í anda plötunnar og jafnvel flétta inn einhverjar eldri tónsmíðar.
Húsið opnar kl. 19:30 | Tónleikar hefjast 20:00
Miðaverð 2.500 kr.
Bókið miða hér: https://forms.gle/thLBBZ5qz2t8jNau7
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Amidst - release concert - in Mengi
Thursday, May 6th at 8pm.
Admission is 2.500 kr.
Book your seats at https://forms.gle/thLBBZ5qz2t8jNau7
Amidst was recorded in 3 evening sessions on a single stereo-track, entirely improvised. This music documents the sort of melancholia felt after returning to one's hometown, in this case Reykjavík, following many years abroad. Utilizing heavily processed guitar Kristinn expands the raw energy of sustained power chords filling up the spectrum with noise and harmonics.
Kristinn Kristinsson is an Icelandic guitarist, composer and producer currently living in Reykjavík. Kristinn works across genres composing for various projects, installations and theatre. With extensive musical background he combines his knowledge of music tradition, technology, sound-design and programming to explore new sounds, consistently re-inventing his approach to music.
He has performed in 12 countries and appeared on over 10 records. He is a member of the electro-acoustic trio Minua, avant-rock quintet Monoglot and co-founder of the jazz record label Hout Records.