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asemic symmetries :: marta tiesenga

  • Mengi 2 Óðinsgata 101, Reykjavík Iceland (map)

Tónskáldið, spuna- og hljóðlistamaðurinn Marta Tiesenga heldur tónleika í Mengi, fimmtudaginn 19 ágúst kl. 21 ásamt stórkostlegum meðleikurum.

Húsið opnar kl. 20:30 og miðaverð er 2.000 kr.
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Fyrstu tónleikar háns í Mengi voru árið 2017 og spilaði Marta á baritónsaxófón og tölvu. Í dag býr hán og starfar í Los Angeles og hefur lokið meistaranámi í tilraunakenndum tónsmíðum (Composition - Experimental Sound Practices and Experimental Animation) við CalArts (California Institute of the Arts) undir handleiðslu Michael Pisaro, Eyvind Kang, Söru Roberts og Ulrich Krieger.

Marta hefur unnið með Civic Orchestra of Chicago, WildUp!, Opera Povera, WasteLAnd Ensemble, SPEAK Percussion, Dog Star Orchestra, Ensemble Supermusique, Euler Quartet, the New Century Players, tónlistarhópum í the Eastman School of Music, New England Conservatory, California Institute for the Arts, and Yale University.

Marta vinnur þvert á miðla og því fá spuni, myndlist, tónlist og gjörningaformið að blandast saman í verkum háns.

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Part composer, part improviser, part sound artist, part elemental, Marta approaches sound-making with experimentation, curiosity, and a great love for collaboration. Drawing from a love of the outdoors, Marta is inspired by the ways these ideas are analogous to cartography, how a map is analogous to a musical score - and how these theoretical terrains might be musically navigated / inhabited / manipulated. Their work exists in the territory between the visual and the sonic in topographical performative space, relying on the use and perception of visual image.

Marta currently resides on a small mountain within Los Angeles, California. They earned their Bachelor of Music from the Eastman School of Music, and they earned MFAs in both Experimental Sound Practices and Experimental Animation at California Institute for the Arts. Marta has collaborated with the Civic Orchestra of Chicago, WildUp!, Opera Povera, WasteLAnd Ensemble, SPEAK Percussion, Dog Star Orchestra, Ensemble Supermusique, Euler Quartet, the New Century Players, ensembles at the Eastman School of Music, New England Conservatory, California Institute for the Arts, and Yale University.

Doors at 8:30pm | Starts at 9pm.
Tickets at the door for 2.000 kr.
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