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Kristinn Kristinsson & Luka Aron

  • Mengi 2 Óðinsgata 101, Reykjavík Iceland (map)

Kristinn Kristinsson & Luka Aron

Miðaverð 2500 | Húsið opnar 20:30

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Kristinn Kristinsson og Luka Aron hafa unnið saman í ýmsum verkefnum frá árinu 2012, þar mætti helst nefna elektró-akústíska tríóið Minua sem einnig spila í Hörpu 15 ágúst. Í Mengi föstudagskvöldið 20 apríl munu þeir spila nýtt verk sem fæst við hljóðræna öfga og leitar í hugmyndafræði hljóðskynjunar. Þeir notast við unninn rafgítar, modular og stafræna hljóðgerfla.


Tickets 2500 kr | House opens 20:30

Tickets reserved here:

On this evening, long-time collaborators Kristinn Kristinsson and Luka

Aron (both members of the electro-acoustic trio Minua which performs

August 15 at Harpa) will present a new piece based on a compositional

framework that explores psychoacoustic phenomena.

Via heavily processed electric guitar and analog/digital synthesis, the

duo’s minimalism challenges the human perception of time and space

through sonic extremes.

Despite being conceptually stringent, their slowly-evolving timbral

music never lacks an emotive resonance, manifesting itself in rich

harmonic textures, serving to generate a captivating depth of focus.

Earlier Event: August 19
asemic symmetries :: marta tiesenga