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  • Mengi 2 Óðinsgata 101, Reykjavík Iceland (map)

Raftónlistarmaðurinn Volruptus spilar bassadrifið teknó í Mengi annað kvöld, miðvikudaginn 4. ágúst kl. 21.

Húsið opnar kl. 20.30 og miðaverð er 2.000 krónur. Tónleikarnir hefjast kl. 21:00

Volruptus hefur sent frá sér plötur hjá hinum rómuðu útgáfufyrirtækjum bbbbbb recors, plötuútgáfu Ninu Kraviz's трип imprint og Sweaty Records.

Miðabókanir ->

Komið, dansið og náið í skottið á hinum eina sanna Volruptus áður en hann flýgur á brott í bili.

∞ ∞ ∞

He brought the BASS from outer SPACE! 2 YER FACE!!! The unruly and groovy, the sneaky and freaky. The Alien Boogie commander known as Volruptus is on a mission to make you move!

Volruptus is a Berlin-based Icelandic electro producer. His sound draws on the mutant techno-futurism of UR, the warped melodies of Rephlex, and the high bpms of Miami Bass and Detroit Electro. He is highly regarded for his hardware-based live set, and is widely considered a rising star in underground circles.

Volruptus has released records on esteemed Icelandic label bbbbbb, Nina Kraviz’s трип imprint, and Sweaty Records.

Doors open at 20:30 event starts at 21:00
Tickets can be pre-booked here

Tickets at the door for 2.000 kr.
See you there!

Earlier Event: July 29
Kaktus Einarsson