Post-dreifing/Post-húsið proudly presents the first ever Post Sharing Club in Mengi on the 28th of october!
Workshops hosted by: Yrkjur, Slagtog, DJ Sley and DJ Melerito De Jère
Live music by: Woolly Kind, Supersport! & DJ Ræna Banka
Post Sharing Club is a minifestival of workshops and music with an emphasis on knowledge sharing. Workshops can be a powerful tool to spread knowledge and ideas.
The best way to learn something is to do it collectively!
It can be hard to learn things on your own, so with these workshops we hope to create a space where people have the opportunity to learn something new in a safe environment.
As a community and as artists it's important to take a stance. Nothing comes out of a vacuum. Everything we learn and everything we are inspired by comes from places, and those places come from other places.
Less individualism and more sharing! space sharing, knowledge sharing, resource sharing, platform sharing, art supply sharing, instrument sharing, coffee sharing, tool sharing, house sharing, passport sharing, dog sharing and so on.
We need to help each other out and create a more inclusive environment around us and ensure safer spaces. This can take many forms and one of them is with workshops.
𝕊𝕃𝔸𝔾𝕋𝕆𝔾 / 12:00 - 14:00
The workshop is open for women and trans people from 16 years and older.
Slagtog is a queer and women led organization working on the prevention of gender based violence by teaching different tools of Feminist Self-defense and developing it.
We will be holding a 2h workshop as an introduction to Feminist Self-defense, in which participants will learn some tools on how to defend themselves verbally, mentally and physically through exercises, games and co-constructive conversations.
No former experience of self defense is needed and the workshop can be adapted to different mobility levels.
The workshop will be donation based and there is space for 14 participants.
To register send us an email to:
If you wanna know more check our social media and webpage! (
𝕐ℝ𝕂𝕁𝕌ℝ / 15:00 - 17:00
Ritlistarnámskeið Yrkja
Yrkjur er ung ritlistarkollektíva sem hefur það að markmiði sínu að efla ungt fólk sem skrifar, til dæmis með því að halda vinnusmiðjur sem og þessa. Þetta er annað skiptið sem við tökum að okkur svona verkefni en seinast héldum við vinnusmiðju á Hátíðni og það gekk vonum framar. Markmið okkar er ávallt að skapa öruggan jafningjagrundvöll þar sem hópur skálda getur komið saman að skapa einstaka texta úr sameiginlegum efnivið. Þetta verður gert með opnum samræðum og fjölbreyttum verkefnum. Þær sem standa fyrir vinnusmiðjunni fyrir hönd Yrkja í þetta skipti eru Ragnheiður Guðjónsdóttir og Steinunn Kristín Guðnadóttir.
Hægt er að skrá sig hér:
Yrkjur's Writing Course
Yrkjur is a young writing collective that aims at promoting young writers, for example by hosting a workshop such as this one. We have done this once before, at Hátíðni's music festival, which was a highly enjoyable experience that exceeded our expectations. Our aim is to create a safe space of equals where a group of writers can come together and create unique pieces of writing from the same material. The process includes open-minded discussions and various kinds of prompts. Ragnheiður Guðjónsdóttir and Steinunn Kristín Guðnadóttir will be the hosts of the workshop.
Sign up here:
𝔻𝕁 𝕎𝕆ℝ𝕂𝕊ℍ𝕆ℙ w. DJ Sley and DJ Melerito De Jère / 18:00-20:00
In the workshop we, Dóra and Juan, will discuss key elements to get you started in the beautiful journey of DJ’ ing.
Part 1: The Aesthetics of DJ-ing; why do it and where to look for the groove in you?
The Art of Mixing: discovering stellar producers, building a moment, a rise, a down, continuation,
Searching music: The different resources of music
The Creative Process of Making a Mix; What is the purpose? For yourself? For a crowd? For storytelling at a club? To make people dance on their heads?
Part 2: Technicalities and the act of DJ ing
Introduction to Rekordbox and Serato DJ; software analyzers that analyzes your music (Grid, BPM, Key)
Technicalities: Why does BPM (Beats Per Minute) and sometimes Key matter when DJ’ing? When do I use the cue button? And how do I blend two songs together?
We take you step by step by navigating through these equippments; XDJ RX2 and Pioneer DDJ-SB Controller.
We ask those who have signed up to download these softwares if resources are at hand. Otherwise, do not despair, we will bring our laptops and figure it out together.
Please bring a USB stick with your favourite songs that you would like to practice on.
We very much look forward to see you! Lets make the DJ scene grow even bigger!
Due to the nature of this workshop we can only take in max 10 people.
We engourage folks that feel under-represented in the DJ scene to sign up.
----Sign up:
Woolly Kind 20:30
Super/sport! 21:15
DJ Ræna Banka 22:00
dreifing er hafin.