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Anne Carson, Bob Currie & Friends

  • Mengi 2 Óðinsgata 101, Reykjavík Iceland (map)

two evenings of readings and performance hosted by anne carson
and robert currie with:

Oddny Eir
Sindri Eldon
Kristin Omarsdottir
Adalheidur Halldorsdottir
James Merry
Kjartan Sveinsson (reading 183 brackets in 15 minutes)
Ragnar Helgi Olafsson
Asta Fanney Sigurdardottir

Anne Carson a new citizen of Iceland
Robert Currie is the Randomizer

First performance on Jan 4 at 9PM
Second performance on Jan 5 at 9PM

House opens 8.30PM
Admission is 3000 ISK per night