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Teitur Magnússon

  • MENGI 2 Óðinsgata Reykjavík, 101 Iceland (map)

Teitur Magnússon & Mads Mouritz koma fram í Mengi, föstudagskvöldið 17. nóvember klukkan 21.
Miðaverð: 2000 krónur
Bókið miða í gegnum eða kaupið miða við hurð


Teitur Magnússon ætti að vera íslenskum tónlistarunnendum að góðu kunnur en fyrsta plata hans undir eigin nafni, 27, fékk frábærar viðtökur, bæði hlustenda og gagnrýnenda er hún kom út síðla árs 2014. Hljómplatan var tilnefnd til Norrænu tónlistarverðlaunanna sem og þeirra íslensku. Áður hafði Teitur gert garðinn frægan sem söngvari og lagahöfundur í reggae-sveitinni Ojba Rasta. Von er á nýrri plötu frá Teiti í vetur.

Mads Mouritz hefur komið fram víða, einn síns liðs, með hljómsveitinni Mouritz/Hørslev Projektet og með tríói sínu Mads Mouritz Trio. Hann hefur vakið mikla athygli í dönsku tónlistarlífi, hlotið frábæra dóma í miðlum á borð við Politiken og komið fram á Hróarskelduhátíðinni, í Tónleikahúsi Danska útvarpsins, í kirkju, alls kyns tónleikahúsum og meira. 

“An unpolished vocal, a highly personal musical expression and Danish texts on a most distinguished level” Kim Skotte, Politiken ★★★★★

Mads Mouritz is no doubt one of the rare uncut diamonds in Danish Rock
Erik Thygesen, Soundvenue ★★★★★


A concert with Teitur (IS) and Mads (DK) at Mengi on November 17th at 9pm. Tickets: 2000 ISK. House opens at 8:30 pm. Book tickets through or buy at the door.

Teitur Magnússon released his first solo album, 27 in 2014 to great acclaim, the record nominated for the Nordic Music Prize as well as the Icelandic Music Prize. Teitur has been the front man of the reggae-band Ojba Rasta. Teitur is currently working on a new album, that will be released later this year.

The last year Mads Mouritz and his trio has toured a lot with his trio playing modern, Danish folk songs in a grandiose and all-encompassing musical outfit with indian flue, the Madagascar instrument Valiha, banjo, violin, electric guitar, and percussion. What’s in store for the people at Mengi this evening time will tell, but one thing is sure, that he will be there solo but interacting with his new playmate Teitur Magnússon. 

With songwriting partner, author Lone Hørslev, the band Mouritz/Hørslev Projektet, MM & Hælerne and as a soloperformer he has toured Denmark for more than a decade playing in everything from community centers and churches to the Roskilde Festival and the Danish Radio Concert Hall. With 8 critically acclaimed albums behind him, Mads is now working towards and album that features danish versions of some of his favourite Icelandic songs. 

“An unpolished vocal, a highly personal musical expression and Danish texts on a most distinguished level” Kim Skotte, Politiken ★★★★★

Mads Mouritz is no doubt one of the rare uncut diamonds in Danish Rock Erik Thygesen, Soundvenue ★★★★★

Later Event: November 18