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Lea Kampmann & Meejah spila í fyrsta sinn í Mengi þann 9. febrúar.
Húsið opnar kl. 20:30 - aðgangseyrir er 2.000 krónur.
Meejah er dönsk-kóresk. Listamaður sem býr og starfar í Kaupmannahöfn. Nafnið „Meejah“ kemur frá hugmyndum rómantísku stefnunnar þar sem listamaðurinn er talinn milliliður hins guðdómlega andríkis.
Meejah vinnur tónlist sína með skírskotun til kóreska fánans þar sem himinn, haf, hringrás, sólin, suðrið og frjósemi er meðal annars að finna, í svokölluðu „Taegeuk“ tákni.
Hún notar gítar, hljóðgervla og hefðbundna kóreska tónlist til að túlka uppruna sinn. Tónlist hennar kom út hjá TUTL Plátufelagið - TUTL Records í Færeyjum í fyrra og hefur Meejah spilað víða um heim, m.a. hitað upp fyrir kóresku sveitina Jambinai 잠비나이
Lea Kampmann er ung færeysk tónlistarkona sem hefur getið sér gott orð að undanförnu í heimalandinu þar sem hún gaf nýverið út plötuna Common Blue hjá TUTL Plátufélagið. En á þeirri plötu hljóma draumkennd lög hennar og einlægir textar sem hafa hitt hlustendur í hjartastað. Hún spilaði á G! Festival í Gøta í fyrra og kemur nú fram í Mengi með eigið efni áður en Meejah stígur á svið.
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Lea Kampmann & Meejah from TUTL Plátufelagið - TUTL Records (Faroe Islands) will play in Mengi on February 9th.
The doors open at 20:30 - entrance fee is 2.000 krónur.
Meejah is a Danish-Korean artist living in Copenhagen. The name “Meejah” parafrases the philosophy of Romanticism where the artist is seen as a “medium" for the divine inspiration.
Meejah plays a cyclical concert around the elements in the Korean flag “The Taegeuk”.
The music is based on noisy guitars and alternative midi-productions, and it blends elements from Traditional Korean Music, as a way of interpreting Meejah’s origin.
Meejah’s key sound binds the sequence together though using a wide range of genre inspirations. Soft hiphop, post and noise rock, hints of metal, grumpy Tom Waitsy, Nick Cavish and PJ Harvey vibes and an organic ground structure from her classical music upbringing.
The cycle is a transformation sequence, which guides the listener through the four seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter. Renewal, flowering, decay and death, located in each corner of the Korean flag. The flag's basic color white represents purification, with ying and yang - the unification of all contradictions - the divine masculine and feminine, located centrally in the middle.
The Korean people once wore traditional white clothing and was known as "the people of peace". Now all eyes are on the Korean peninsula, divided in North and South. Like a buddhist mass prayer, the concert cycle wants to send out the intension of reuniting the two Koreas.
Band: Daniel Nayberg, Andreas Isbrandt Løvenskjold & Mai Young Øvlisen.
Meejah was the opening act for the Korean postrock band Jambinai in Copenhagen back in November.
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Common Blue is the first EP coming from young Faroese artist, Lea Kampmann. With a soft voice, abstract, yet honest, lyrics and an atmospheric soundscape built around the melodies, Common Blue unfolds elegantly in your ears. Recorded in Studio Bloch, Tórshavn, a heartfelt, melancholic, indie, dreampop EP has been created. Common Blue was released in Tutl Records, October 2017.
Faroese Lea Kampmann grew up in Copenhagen, where she was raised with classical music from early childhood. In her teenage years, her love for song writing started growing, and when she moved back to her homeland, the Faroe Islands, at the age of 18, she got inspired to write songs for the EP, Common Blue.
Lea Kampmann has since then played a lot of concerts in different venues in the Faroe Islands. She played at the Faroese festival, G! Festival in 2016, and in 2017, she was listed in the "Top 5 releases" in The Faroe Islands by the national radio, and also international music blog, Beehype, listed her song as one of ten best songs released in the Faroes in 2017.
Video: Moonsick