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Richard Andersson, Matthías Hemstock & Óskar Guðjónsson

  • MENGI 2 Óðinsgata Reykjavík, 101 Iceland (map)

Árið 2013 flutti danski bassaleikarinn og tónskáldið Richard Andersson til Íslands til að kynna sér menningu og tónlistarsenu landsins. Hann tengdist fljótlega öðru tónlistarfólki þar á meðal saxófónleikaranum Óskari Guðjónssyni og trommuleikaranum Matthíasi Hemstock. Síðan þá hafa þeir starfað saman undir nafninu Richard Andersson NOR.

Tríóið hefur á efnisskránni lög af annarri plötu þeirra, The six of us, sem frumflutt var á Jazzhátíð Reykjavíkur árið 2018.

Markmið tónlistarmannanna þriggja er að flytja lög sem eru í grunninn melódísk og ljóðræn en gefa þeim um leið tækifæri til að leita inn á tilraunakenndari svið í persónulegri nálgun sinni.

Í tilefni af útgáfu annarrar skífu þeirra er komið að tónleikaferð um Vestfirði, Norðurland og Suðvesturland í maí.

Húsið opnar kl. 20:30 | Tónleikarnir hefjast 21 | Miðaverð er 2.500 kr.

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“Richard Andersson NOR” visiting Iceland in May

During the Reykjavik Jazzfestival 2018 Richard Andersson NOR premiered their second album release entitled ”The six of us”. In May the Danish-Icelandic jazz trio will be back in Iceland performing three concerts in Reykjavik, Isafjordur and Siglufjordur.

Richard Andersson, double bass
Óskar Guðjónsson, tenor saxophone
Matthías Hemstock, drums

Richard Andersson NOR is a strong symbiosis between two cultures within a modern American jazz idiom, The trio plays the music of Andersson which is characterized by its clarity and simplicity. Yet the trio executes the music in a manner that is both complex and even avantgardistic at times. The goal for these three musicians is to bring forward music that is melodic and poetic in its foundation but holds the opportunity to seek more odd corners of their individual musicality.

“Our newest album, “The six of us”, is a tribute to family life”, Richard Andersson says, “All three of us are devoted family fathers and I recently became a father for the fourth time turning my family into a family of six”.

The pieces Andersson wrote for this album are all dedicated to life with his family. At the same time Andersson emphasizes the fact that the trio itself also has grown to become a powerful unit somewhat similar to the one you find in a family. “Not only have Matti, Oskar and I established a unique musical relationship over the years, we have also built a strong friendship that I really appreciate. I feel, that all three of us really bring both our musical and our personal relationship into play when we enter the music. In that sense it’s not the three of us on stage, but the six of us.... “

”The trio does sound as a tight unit, with a strong, emphatic interplay, as of a close family but of the Scandinavian kind, well-behaved, quiet and gentle.” (Eyal Hareuveni/Salt Peanuts)

Doors open at 8.30 | The event starts at 9pm

Earlier Event: May 3
Kristín Anna