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Harp & Arp

  • Mengi 2 Óðinsgata 101, Reykjavík Iceland (map)

Veriði velkomin að skjánum! Á tónleika í beinu streymi úr Mengi þann 22. desember kl. 20:00 GMT. En þar spila:

Katie Buckley á hörpu &
Jesper Pedersen á hljóðgervil

Harp & Arp er ein af nokkrum hljómsveitum sem hjónin Katie Buckley og Jesper Pedersen skipa í ímynduðum heimi. Saman flytja þau tónlist á hljóðunna hörpu (e. processed harp) og hljóðgervil. Katie er aðalhörpuleikari Sinfóníuhljómsveitar Íslands og skapar þess utan ýmis tónlistarævintýri og tekur þátt í óhefðbundnum verkefnum. Jesper Pedersen er tónskáld, kennari og hjóðgervla-prins ásamt því að vera einn stofnmeðlima S.L.Á.T.U.R., samtaka listrænt ágengrar tónlistar umhverfis Reykjavík.

Tónleikarnir eru hluti af dagskrá Mengis fyrir Norræna menningarsjóðinn Puls.

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Welcome to a live stream concert from Mengi on December 22 at 20:00 GMT with Harp & Arp.

Katie Buckley: Harp
Jesper Pedersen: Synthesizer

Harp & Arp is one of several bands existing in the collective imagination of Katie Buckley and Jesper Pedersen. Together they perform imaginary music on processed harp and synthesizer. The music of Harp & Arp is on the ambient spectrum with focus on both tonal structures as well as abstract sonic journeys.
Katie is the principal harpist with the Iceland Symphony Orchestra and also creates many other crazy, musical adventures. Jesper Pedersen is a multifaceted musical powerhouse that creates new music as a composer, improviser, and performer.

This concert is part of Mengi's curated programme as a concert promoter for Nordisk Kultur Fond's Puls.