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Mikael Máni

  • Mengi 2 Óðinsgata 101, Reykjavík Iceland (map)

Gítarleikarinn og tónskáldið Mikael Máni mun leika sóló gítar prógram í Mengi þann 7. Jan. Hann hljóðritaði nýverið efnisskrána með níu frumsömdum lögum í Amsterdam þar sem hann er búsettur og vildi nota tækifærið á meðan hann er á Íslandi til að spila það fyrir landa sína.
Stíll laganna er blanda af folk, jazz, blús - og þrátt fyrir að öll lögin séu án söngs er sterk tenging við singer-songwriter tónlist. Mikael mun einnig leika nokkur af sínum uppáhalds lögum og má hugsanlega heyra lög eftir Joni Mitchell, Sigur Rós og Megas.

Mikael Máni gaf út sína fyrstu breiðskífu Bobby 2018 þar sem Skúli Sverrisson og Magnús Elíassen leika með honum. (“Concept” plötu um líf umdeilda skák meistarans Bobby Fischer). Platan fékk spilun á BBC 3 & 6 og hefur lögum plötunar verið stremyt meira en 1.000.000 sinnum. Önnu plata hans Nostalgia Machine kafaði dýpra í tónlistarlegt tungumál Mikaels. Platan fékk viðurkenningu frá Cerys Matthews, var valin jazz plata ársins hjá Morgunblaðinu og var tilnefnd til Kraumsverðlaunanna.

Húsið opnar 19.30

Tónleikar hefjast 20.00

Miðaverð 2500 kr

Guitarist and composer Mikael Máni will play solo guitar music in Mengi on the 7th of January. He recently recorded a program of nine originals in Amsterdam, where he lives. He wanted to use the opportunity in Iceland to play the program in his home country.

The songs are a combination of folk, jazz, blues - and even though it’s instrumental, there’s a strong connection to singer-songwriter music. Mikael will also perform some of his favorite songs and will potentially play songs by Joni Mitchell, Sigur Rós, and Megas.

6 time nominee for the Icelandic Music Awards, Reykjavík born and bred guitarist and composer Mikael Máni made his name with his debut release entitled ‘Bobby’ (a concept album citing the life experiences of controversial chess grandmaster Bobby Fischer). It gained play time on BBC 3 & 6, Icelandic and French national radio and his most streamed song has gained more than 1.000.000 streams. His sophomore album Nostalgia Machine delved deeper into his musical landscape.  The album got praise from Cerys Matthews, was chosen jazz record of the year in Icelandic paper Morgunblaðið and was nominated for the Kraumur Awards.

House opens 7.30

Concert starts 8.00

Admission is 2500 ISK