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  • Mengi 2 Óðinsgata 101, Reykjavík Iceland (map)

HYDRATION WAVES, an audiovisual duo formed by Katarzyna Debska and Jerzy Mączyński, which was born in an underground abandoned spa complex with a tiny pool that emerged into a platform connected with art space and label and got name SAUNA.

Doors 19:30 | Tickets 2.500 kr

The empty dry pool being used as a project space and lab- naturally became a place for many experiments and duo performances inspired by Mączyński and Debska research residencies at Chapala Lake, Athens and polish Mazury. Reflections on lack of water, its condition and its need
led them after a long process to gather all their material and footage together and let the project see the sunlight.
Debska and Mączyński are creating a dialogue between sound and image, bringing an immersive experience and initiating moments of letting the water, surrounding and viewer become one, generating body and mind hydration.

From Noise to Ambient. From meditation to harsh experience.
Listen and watch here:

Katarzyna Dębska - visuals, concept J
Jerzy Mączyński - saxophones, ocarinas of Andes, electronic production, concept
The project can be presented as an audiovisual performance or 3-channel av installation.

Recordings took place in Berlin at Silent Green (Betonhalle). The project will be released by Sauna Records and will have a premiere on 29th of
August in Reykjavik in MENGI.